Thursday, November 14, 2013

Basement before and after...

As long as we're waiting for a little someone to arrive, figured I'd post photos of our other summer project - we finally finished the basement redo and have been enjoying hunkering downstairs and watching movies now that the rain started and its dark so early.


The dumpster arrived sometime in July and was out there until October
Basement as demo started
Carpet, drywall, crazy lath and plaster ceiling texture gone...

Suspended ceiling, closet, carpet, all sorts of other junk removed from other parts of basement. This was a bedroom and still is. We made the window to Ashley's left there a bigger egress window. 
Channel dug for new plumbing for bathroom. This was entry to laundry room, now its a bathroom.
New plumbing, electrical, framing, insulation, drywall in process....

Getting there. New lighting in, paint, trim, etc.
Most of it done, minus clean up, carpet, touch up, etc.
And, after:

Part of guest room

Other part of guest room, with egress window

New bathroom (toilet and other stuff to the right and behind me). Its tiny, but guests can at least have their own bed and bath downstairs. Mom will get to use it next when she gets here next week!

Pool table/bar room looking into fireplace room
Looking from fireplace room upstairs
Fireplace/tv room
Still need a decent tv stand and other furniture, but its coming together. Just in time to watch movies downstairs this winter and have room for guests after baby gets here : )

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Past couple weeks

The past couple weeks of taking it easy, enjoying fall and the extra time to work on the house and little projects has been so nice....

Took this photo from our driveway on my way to the bus stop one morning. It has been such a pretty fall here.
Took this one a couple weeks ago on a walk with Carmen
Our Japanese maples were really bright this year. Leaves are almost gone already!
For my birthday a couple weekends ago, we went to Hood River to shop a bit, eat lunch, go for a hike (photos are on the other camera, haven't unloaded them yet...). Ashley made a nice bday dinner.  
This last weekend we went out to one of our favorite restaurants for a possibly last-date-for-a-while on Friday, had a huge "friend's Thanksgiving" at our friend Michelle's on Saturday, on Sunday Ashley put new brakes on his truck. Checking things off the pre-baby to do list...
I did a bunch of shopping and cooking for the friend's Thanksgiving meal, and made and canned pear chutney with pears from a neighbor's tree.
We also got some awesome mail last week - a hand knit hat and booties set from some family friends of Fritz and Susanne's (made from yarn they spun from their own alpacas!).
Our friend Amanda also made us an adorable quilt (the one on the bottom), Becky made the green one at the top, and my friend Michelle made a cute fabric banner for the baby room. Had to get a photo of all the pretty handmade gifts! 
And the sweaters and baby quilt I made for baby O. Can't wait to see if the sweaters actually fit him or not. They seem way too small...
And a belly photo - 39 weeks!