So that really old, huge azalea I was so excited about blooming and posted a picture of in my last post is now in the plant hospital... Ashley and I finished pruning our three out of control plum trees in the front yard this weekend. There was a HUGE branch in the middle of the third one, and the tree is surrounded by power lines, phone lines, a street busy with people and bikes, ours and our neighbor’s houses, etc. We definitely had an audience of neighbors with noses pressed against their windows. This is what our conversation probably looked like to them: “Um, Ashley, are you sure this is a good idea? That branch is HUGE.” “Yep, its fine. Just pull that rope really hard when it starts to fall.” “But then won’t it fall the wrong way?” "Nope, it'll be fine." "I'm not so sure about this....." At this point, three men walk by. “Whoa, you’re not going to.... Wow, we gotta see this.”
Ashley saws at the branch for ages, it finally cracks, I stop directing traffic to pull the rope, the branches catch the phone line to the house, it hangs there for a bit but doesn't pull it down. But, it lands on the 70 year old azalea with a huge CRACK. It broke off some good branches, and a big one is cracked. As you can see in the picture, Ashley constructed a bandage and sling. We’re hoping for a full recovery. : ) One of the three guys says, “Wow, that took some serious balls” before they keep walking down the sidewalk.
That night we had a neighborhood potluck across the street and everyone who was watching us got to tell us about their similar “lucky logging” incidents as they called them. So at least they hopefully don't think we are entirely crazy for trying to get the branch down ourselves. Hopefully the azalea still blooms this spring! Now we just have a ton of branches to cut up and take to the yard waste place. If only we actually had a yard to burn or just let the branches be...
Hopefully it makes it! Its looking pretty rough... |
We also made it on Saturday to a Packer bar just a few blocks from our house to watch the game. It was packed with fans. Ashley got a laugh out of how hard core the Packer fans were - still cheering like crazy for a field goal at the end of the game when they were 20+ points ahead. We got (another) not so good picture with the phone at the bar. :)
Go Packers! |
We got the kitchen painted and finalized this weekend too... Pictures to come. Can't wait!
Hope the azalea makes it.