Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wisconsin visit and since

After Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the coast with Doug and Evelyn, I got to see even MORE family and friends in Wisconsin. Such a good couple months : )

Saw Becky my first afternoon there - just a couple days before she had Leo! 

Bundled up for dinner the first night

Hung out with the Prices on Morgan's birthday on Friday.

Could just squeeze her

Playing on her birthday

Opening her cell phone! 

Jeff and Katie came! So glad I got to catch up with them too.

Morgan's birthday cone. THANK YOU Matt and Heather for hosting me and everyone else as you were preparing for your trip. PHEW! You guys are the best. 

In Madison on Saturday, I heard Matt's new trombone skills

Saw his basketball game 

Played games

Deb and Emily working on a school project. That Sunday we hung out, Deb baked lasagna, and we got ready to go to  the farm.

Saw great grandma, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. So good! Thank you Deb and Dave for all the hosting, coordinating, cooking, accommodating! So much good stuff in such a short time. 

Sunday night I went straight to Mequon to see Becky, Scott and little Leo just hours after he was born. It was so neat to see them all glowing. Couldn't have asked for a better end to the trip. 

Back in Portland this weekend, I caught up in the kitchen - made a birthday cake for a friend, bottled the vin d'orange, made chowder for a friend that had a baby, etc. etc.
Met up with some friends for a birthday girls' hike in Forest Park and to brunch afterwards. Not a bad weekend. : )

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